Workplace Conflict
When conflict arises in your team or organisation, it can be tempting to ignore it. You may feel you lack the confidence or skills to help, or fear that you may make things worse if you get involved. Perhaps you feel that the individuals engaged in the conflict should be responsible for resolving their own issues or maybe you already feel overloaded and unable to take on more work and stress.
Tempting though it is to turn a blind eye, there are serious and wide-ranging costs to the individuals in conflict, to you and the wider team and to the organisation as a whole in ignoring workplace conflict.
In this workshop, participants will: explore healthy vs unhealthy conflict and the impact of both; understand the brain’s natural reaction to conflict, which can hinder resolution; learn about conflict management and resolution techniques; and discover different conflict styles and how best to work with them.
Participants will leave the workshop with the skills, confidence and practical tools needed to handle conflict in their teams.