Time Management and Prioritising

Life can be demanding ­– including our working lives. Busy days full of changes, challenges, meetings and deliverables that need to be delivered. Sometimes, it can feel like we wish we could clone ourselves because we have so much to do and not enough time, resource or capacity to do it. Or perhaps we spend much of our time in reactive, firefighting mode, which takes us away from the really important stuff that we need to do and leaves very little time to reflect, plan and strategise.

We can sometimes feel like, however hard we work and however many hours we put in, we just can’t seem to get on top of everything. And that can become frustrating, exhausting and stressful.

Sometimes, those stresses and demands are beyond our control. But there are also practical things we can do to manage our time better and to prioritise our workload more effectively – and to set healthy boundaries to support those things.

In this workshop, participants will: explore the impacts of effective and ineffective time management and prioritising; learn how to work smarter, not harder; understand how we can create and embed new habits; learn how to run efficient meetings; know when and how to set healthy boundaries; and discover a number of practical tools and frameworks to help manage time and prioritise effectively.

Participants will leave the workshop with increased knowledge, skills and practical tools to help them to take control of their time and workload.